DOT Physical Exemptions truckers wiki everything you need to know

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What are DOT Physical Exemptions

DOT Physical Exemptions are special allowances provided by the FMCSA for drivers who cannot meet all the physical qualification standards. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates the Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical to ensure that commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers are physically and mentally fit to operate on public roads safely. While the examination is generally required for all CMV drivers, the FMCSA provides certain exemptions for specific cases. Let’s take a look at these DOT Physical Exemptions.

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Exemptions: An Overview

There are four types of DOT physical exemptions: vision, hearing, seizure, and diabetes exemptions.

  1. Vision Exemptions: A vision exemption allows a driver with vision impairment in one eye to operate a CMV. To qualify for a vision exemption, the driver must have a distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in the better eye, without corrective lenses or contacts, and a field of vision of at least 70 degrees in the horizontal Meridian.
    Visit FMCSA vision requirements.

  2. Hearing Exemptions: Hearing exemptions are available for drivers with hearing impairment. To qualify, the driver must have an average hearing loss in the better ear of less than or equal to 40 decibels.

  3. Seizure Exemptions: Seizure exemptions are provided for drivers with a history of epilepsy or seizures. To qualify for this exemption, the driver must have been seizure-free for eight years, either with or without anti-seizure medication.

  4. Diabetes Exemptions: Drivers who are insulin-dependent can qualify for a diabetes exemption. The driver must have a history of safe driving, proper management of their diabetes, and must meet the other physical qualifications apart from insulin use.

Application Process

Applying for a DOT physical exemption involves several steps. A driver must submit an exemption application along with a detailed medical history and specific medical evaluations to the FMCSA. The application is reviewed by medical and safety personnel, and if approved, the driver is issued an exemption letter. This process usually takes up to 180 days.

Validity and Renewal

Exemptions are generally valid for up to two years. To renew an exemption, a driver must submit a renewal application and necessary medical evaluations at least 60 days before the current exemption expires. The FMCSA reviews the driver’s safety performance and medical condition before granting a renewal.

Implications of Exemptions

Exemptions are not to be taken lightly. They are granted on the premise that the driver can safely operate a CMV despite a specific medical condition. The issuance of an exemption demonstrates the FMCSA’s confidence in the driver’s ability to maintain safety on the road, despite not meeting a specific physical qualification.

However, it’s crucial to note that an exemption from one requirement doesn’t exempt a driver from other rules and regulations. Drivers with exemptions must continue to comply with all other applicable regulations, including hours-of-service rules, vehicle maintenance standards, and rules about transporting hazardous materials.

Responsibilities of Drivers and Employers

Drivers who have been granted an exemption have the responsibility to carry their exemption documentation with them whenever they’re operating a CMV. This documentation must be presented to law enforcement or DOT inspectors upon request.

Employers also bear responsibility when hiring drivers with exemptions. They must ensure the exemption is current and valid, and the driver can perform their duties safely. Furthermore, employers have a duty to respect and maintain a driver’s medical privacy while also keeping the public’s safety in mind.


The FMCSA provides exemptions to the DOT Physical requirements to ensure that qualified drivers who do not meet all the physical qualifications can still operate CMVs. These exemptions are an important part of maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce in the commercial driving industry while also keeping safety a top priority.

This article is about EXEMPTIONS if you are looking for DOT Physical – Everything You Need to Know click here.

Please note that this article provides a general overview of DOT Physical driver exemptions. For the most comprehensive and up-to-date information, consult the FMCSA’s official website.

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