Unidentified Driving Time everything you need to know truckers wiki

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What is Unidentified Driving Time in Trucking

Unidentified Driving Time (UDT) refers to the period during a driver’s duty day where the vehicle is in motion, but the driving activity cannot be attributed to a specific driver.
This can occur due to various reasons, such as multiple drivers using the same vehicle without proper log-ins or log-outs, technical glitches in electronic logging systems, or failure to accurately record driver switches.

Common Causes of Unidentified Driving Time

Incomplete or Inaccurate Log Entries
Failure to properly log in or out of a vehicle’s electronic logging system can lead to periods of Unidentified Driving Time.

Sharing a Vehicle
When multiple drivers share the same vehicle, it’s crucial that each driver logs in and out accurately to avoid UDT.

Technical Issues
Electronic logging systems can sometimes experience technical glitches that result in periods of Unidentified Driving Time.

Failure to Switch Duty Status
If a driver forgets to switch their duty status from “on-duty not driving” to “driving” or vice versa, it may lead to UDT.

Regulatory Impact of Unidentified Driving Time

Hours of Service (HOS) Compliance
UDT can directly impact a driver’s ability to comply with HOS regulations. If unaccounted-for driving time leads to exceeding maximum allowable hours, it can result in violations.

Recordkeeping Accuracy
Accurate record-keeping is a fundamental requirement for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. UDT compromises this accuracy.

Potential for Audits and Inspections
Carriers with a history of UDT may be subject to more frequent audits and inspections. This can lead to increased scrutiny and potential penalties for non-compliance.

Carrier Unidentified Driving Report

Recording Unidentified Driving Time (UDT)
When a vehicle is in use, but the electronic logging system (ELS) or logbook doesn’t have a specific driver associated with that time, it is considered Unidentified Driving Time.

Generating the Report
Carriers can run a report from their electronic logging system or manual logbooks to identify instances of UDT.

Investigation and Resolution
The Carrier’s Unidentified Log Report serves as a tool for carriers to investigate and resolve these instances. It helps identify the specific periods of UDT and provides a basis for taking corrective action.

Attribution of Driving Time
Carriers may need to determine which driver was responsible for the Unidentified Driving Time and ensure that the proper log entries are made to accurately reflect the driving time.

Maintaining Compliance
Addressing UDT is crucial for maintaining compliance with regulatory agencies like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Accurate record-keeping is a fundamental requirement for compliance.

Managing Unidentified Driving Time

Thorough Training
Ensure all drivers are properly trained on how to use electronic logging systems and the importance of accurate log entries.

Regular Auditing and Corrections
Conduct routine audits of logbook records to identify and correct any instances of Unidentified Driving Time promptly.

Clear Communication
Establish clear protocols for drivers sharing vehicles to ensure accurate log entries during driver switches.

Technical Support and Maintenance
Regularly maintain and update electronic logging systems to prevent technical issues that may lead to UDT.

External Links

What Must A Motor Carrier Do With Unassigned Driving Records From An Electronic Logging Device (Eld)? – Article by FCMSA – click here.

Dealing with Unassigned Driving Time – Article by J.J. Keller – click here.

UDR: How to Manage Unidentified Driving Records – Article by Konexial – click here.

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